The Historic Alexandria Foundation

HAF Events

HAF signature events: our Spring Garden Party and our Toasting Our Town wine tasting celebration are our key fundraisers proving that you have have fun while doing good!

Sponsorship Opportunities

All contributions, in any amount, are greatly appreciated. In addition to ticket sales, event sponsorships are an important source of HAF revenue. Sponsors are listed on the HAF website and recognized in the Toasting Our Town catalog.

Upcoming Events

Toasting Our Town

Toasting Our Town is our annual fall party to benefit the Historic Alexandria Preservation Fund. The 2025 event will be held at the historic Athenaeum,  Saturday, November 22, 2025, from 7-9 P.M. It is always a lively and festive evening featuring libations, mouth-watering hors d'oeuvres, a silent auction and the buzz of conversation among old and new friends.

Visit the Toasting Our Town page to learn more about the event, to see the amazing sponsorship benefits, and to review a list of event sponsors. We encourage you to patronize the businesses of the local entities who so generously support HAF!

Click here for details


Spring Garden Party and Annual Meeting

A lovely garden in one of Alexandria’s many diverse neighborhoods is the perfect setting for HAF members and friends to gather for drinks and midday repast, while catching up with old and new neighbors and friends, and learning about the Foundation’s latest initiatives. The year’s grant awards from the Historic Alexandria Foundation Preservation Fund are announced with recipients invited to describe their projects for the membership. Oval bronze Plaques are delivered to the owners of historic properties which have been judged to meet criterion of integrity and authenticity of their historic building. Preservation awards for the year are bestowed.

Visit the Garden Party page to learn more about this year's event.

Or write a check, each ticket is $100.00 and mail it to

Historic Alexandria Foundation,
218 North Lee Street, Suite 310 Alexandria, Virginia 22314

Carlyle HouseWhen you attend the HAF Spring Garden Party you benefit the organization - yet you also get to enjoy wonderful food, drink, and people and see some of Alexandria's most beautiful gardens.

Carlyle House You don't have to wear Seersucker to the HAF Spring garden party but a number of members do.