Afro-American Historic Sites Survey (Office of Historic Alexandria)
Alexander Family Bible conservation
Alexandria Academy building restoration
Alexandria Archaeology
funding for a digitized map of Alexandria
exhibit showcasing freed and enslaved African Americans
Alexandria City Archive Center
conservation of historic building records
Alexandria Black History Resource Center (Office of Historic Alexandria)
installation of a permanent exhibition
installation of a new exhibition of period photographs
Alexandria Canal Tidelock historical marker
Alexandria Elks Lodge, #48
a structural study, roof repairs and painting
Alexandria Library Company
bicentennial publication
funding for purchase of a 1796 map of Alexandria and George Washington ledger
Alexandria Library
database of historic architectural resources
Alexandria Seaport Foundation
conservation of the Potomac River Ark
ALIVE House shelter restoration
Athenaeum (Northern Virginia Fine Arts Association)
masonry repairs
mechanical systems repairs
restoration of fluting on columns
new gutters and downspouts
windows restorations
matching grant for stucco restoration of Doric columns
funding for the restoration of stucco on the Lee Street façade
American Horticultural Society
to extend a walkway at River Farm
Basilica School of Saint Mary
restoration of Cupola with 1811 School Bell
Boyhood Home of Robert E. Lee House Museum
guidebook for the historic site
Campagna Center
masonry repairs
Carlyle House Museum (Northern Virginia Regional Parks Authority)
conservation survey of the Bank of Alexandria building
historic paint analysis of interior
City of Alexandria Planning Department
“An Alexandria Builder’s Companion,” historic building styles and technologies
for the purchase of hardware for the digital survey of the Old & Historic District
Del Ray Historic District Nomination
Episcopal High School
conservation of composition ornament in Hoxton House (The Eliza Custis Law house, “Mount Washington”)
Freedom House Museum
creation of Alexandria Slave Pen Model Circa 1840
digitization of material from the Rice C. Ballard Slave-Trading Papers, 1822-1888
Friends of Historic Christ Church
conservation study of 18th and 19th century tombstones
Friendship Fire House Museum (Office of Historic Alexandria)
funding for restoration of historic 19th century fire-fighting machines
restoration of mid-19th Century Hand Drawn Fire Engine
Gadby’s Tavern Museum (Office of Historic Alexandria)
ceramics exhibition
conservation of 18th c. mirror and fabrication of a reproduction for ballroom
architectural investigation of the interior woodwork
exhibit case for changing exhibits
funding for stabilization of the ballroom floor
dendrochronology to establish age of both buildings
Garden Club of Alexandria
Lloyd House garden archeology
Greater Alexandria Preservation Alliance
Historic Structure Report for GW Carver Nursery School
History Revealed- Shopping Stories
showcasing 18th Century Alexandria Merchants
Hooff’s Run Bridge National Register Nomination (Office of Historic Alexandria)
Jones Point Lighthouse restoration
Lee-Fendall House Museum
roof replacement
window conservation
historic structures report on exterior walls and paint analysis
funding for AV equipment, educational and exhibition programs
plaster repairs
funding for structural repairs
repairs to entrance porch
restoration of the dining room
archaeological excavation and redesign project for the garden
rebuilding a chimney damaged by the earthquake
The Lyceum (Office of Historic Alexandria)
Alexandria silver exhibition catalogue
Office of Historic Alexandria
digitization of oral histories
Old Presbyterian Meeting House
restoration of the grave marker of Sarah Fairfax Carlyle (1730-1761)
Murray-Dick Fawcett House-
a dendrochronology of the house
Northern Virginia Urban League
funding for museum space at “Freedom House”
Preservation Alliance of Virginia – local affiliate training grant
Rosemont Historic District Nomination
Saint Paul’s Episcopal Church
undercroft repairs
building restoration project
restoration of original trim at entrance doors
Scholarship Fund of Alexandria-
scholarships to senior students who plan to study history in college
Seminary Hill Citizens Association
survey of historic structures
Stabler Leadbeater Apothecary Shop Museum (Office of Historic Alexandria)
conservation of paper records and herbs
paint analysis of the interior and exterior of the museum
conservation of gilded glass letters
dendrochronology study to determine age of both buildings
replication of the 1850’s show globes
reproduction and installation of the historic ceiling medallion for the Apothecary retail shop
restoration of églomisé panels
conservation of museum artifacts
restoration of photographs in museum collections
survey of historic structures
The Tall Ship Foundation
installation of a new historic bowsprit